Dependency injection with Hilt-4 (Annotation)

Yusuf Gültaç
2 min readApr 5, 2021

Outline :

Annotation used for sorting when using an interface in more than one class. Determines which action we will do first.

A qualifier is an annotation that you use to identify a specific binding for a type when that type has multiple bindings defined.

Scope :

Create a second Implementer class

class SecondInterfaceImplementor
@Inject constructor() : MyInterface
override fun myPrintFunction(): String {
return "My Second Interface Implementor"

Adding Annotation’s values which are Qualifier and Retention

interface MyInterface {
fun myPrintFunction() : String

class MyModule{
fun providerFunction():MyInterface{
return InterfaceImplementor()
fun secondProviderFunction():MyInterface {
return SecondInterfaceImplementor()

fun gSonProvider() : Gson{
return Gson()
//These are explain that you would use annotation
annotation class FirstImplementor

annotation class SecondImplementor

Edit ClassExample class and show them in MainActivity

class ClassExample
@Inject constructor(@FirstImplementor private val myInterfaceImplementor: MyInterface,
private val gson : Gson,
@SecondImplementor private val mySecondInterfaceImplementor: MyInterface) {
fun myFunction() : String {
return "Working: ${myInterfaceImplementor.myPrintFunction()}"
fun mySecondFunction() : String {
return "Working: ${mySecondInterfaceImplementor.myPrintFunction()}"

Result :

System.out: My interface Implementor
System.out: My Second Interface Implementor

I would like to thank Atıl Samancıoglu and Google who helped me understand this topic.

Atıl Samancıoglu :

